Monday, March 16, 2015

Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study

Name Of FS Student:   Abigail Y Aggabao

Course:                         Bachelor of Secondary Education
Resource Teacher:       Mrs. Michelle  Pataueg
 Cooperating School:    Isabela National High School


My Target
       At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing product-oriented performance assessment.

Your Task
       Design a product-oriented performance assessment by going through the process through the following steps:
1.     Visit a class and identify product-oriented activities.
2.     Choose one product-oriented activity and study the process.
3.     Design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity you have chosen.
4.     Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan.
5.     Reflect on your experience.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address:                       Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited:                            February 12, 2015
Grade/Year Level:                     Grade- 9 (Temperance)
Subject Area:                            Science(Physics)

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.

To make a schematic diagram of series and parallel connection and

·       Students are formed into five (5) group having 7 members each.

·       Students are tasks to make their own schematic diagram of series and parallel connection and give their differences.

·       Each group must assign a leader to present their output.

·       Students are given 30 minutes to do and discuss the given activity.

·       The output (schematic diagram of series and parallel) should be put on a manila paper before presenting it in front.


Learning Objectives: 

·       The students will be able to differentiate series and parallel connection.
·       They will be able to construct and make their own design of series and parallel connection.

General Product-oriented performance Task:

The students will be able to differentiate series and parallel circuit connection using their own design.

Target Skills:

Creativity, organizing and analyzing  skills

Learning Activities (Specific tasks):

Students will be given one week to accomplish the task.

Each group should assign a presenter and each member should have part on the task given.

Creativity upon designing series and parallel circuit connection is observed.

Submit their output on or before the deadline.

Assessment Tasks:
The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:

Organization of ideas --------------------------------------------------------30%

Creativity                               ----------------------------------------------35%

Presentation of output              --------------------------------------------30%

Promptness in the submission  ----------------------------------------------5%


Organization of ideas


Presentation of output

Promptness in the submission

Range of rating
5- excellent
4- very satisfactory
3- satisfactory
1- needs improvement


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address:                    Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited:                        February 12, 2015
Grade/Year Level:                Grade- 9 (Temperance)
Subject Area:                        Science(Physics)

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

         The best feature of my product-oriented performance assessment design is that it measures or quantifies the amount of learning/insights that the students obtained after the discussion. With that, the students will be able to apply it to real- life setting / on the actual field of work.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented performance assessment design?

        Learning targets should be clearly stated and it should be at the right level of difficulty to motivate the students. There should be a balance with the different types of targets (Cognitive,Affective,Psychomotor) and that the Instructional goals should also be communicated to the students. The tasks direction/instructions should be clear for the students to have clear idea what to do. Criteria should also be considered since this is a product- based performance to evaluate students’ performance. These are the conditions that are necessary for me to have a successful use of product-oriented performance assessment design.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

      The user of this design must consider: (1)the purpose of the assessment (2) students’ needs(3) Set instructional goals and this should be communicated to the student (4) What skills will be develop (5)Knowing the strength and weaknesses of the learners (6)The materials to be used should be well- planned for the success of this design.


1.  Do you think your originally design product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why? Why not?

Yes, the original design of product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective because the new design was based on the teacher’s learning objective which is to develop their skills in designing a series and parallel circuit connection.

2.  Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

Teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks for the teacher to measures or quantifies the amount of learning/insights that the students obtained after the discussion.

3.  In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be need more appropriately?

Product-oriented assessment can be need more appropriately if psychomotor domain is given more emphasis like looking if they can produce something base on the lesson. (objective-matching, skills and the interest of the learners) are the conditions that must be given emphasis. If these are given priority then product-oriented performance assessment will be used more appropriately.


Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insights or new understanding from your experience in using authentic assessment. Then share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates. Also draw some insights from your classmates’ sharing.
After answering all the questions in this field study I realized that as a future teacher we should be more observant and give more attention to our pupils/students because all of them have a different characteristics and capabilities that we should enhance through the use of different methods, strategies and assessment tools. Also, after answering this field study I understand how a teacher should be in dealing his/her pupils. And through this I have learned many things that I can use when I am already in the field of teaching. That in giving assessment is a task that we need to think and examine carefully and we should based it on the learners and the learning objectives for it to be successfully done.
          Students differ from each other; they have their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of how they learn.  Regarding the traditional assessment, answering objective test questions does not allow for much variability in how student demonstrate the knowledge and skill they have acquired. In authentic, it gives students any choice in how they believe they can best demonstrate what they have learned or simply students are given more freedom on how they will apply what they have learned.
        As what I have learned from this experience, the main concern of the teacher is not the high score that his/her students can get  but rather, the main focus is  the students  on how they  will going to apply the knowledge they acquired in real- word setting. That the learning target should not only focus on one domain but the three (3) domains of learning should be equally balance. They should not only know the facts/knowledge that are being imparted to them the most important thing is that they know significance of what they have learning and how they can able to use it in everyday living.
        I know that in the future these learnings that I have reaped will surely help on how to best educate my learners in the future.

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