Friday, February 27, 2015


 Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study

                   WORK ME ON

     Name Of FS Student:   Abigail Y Aggabao

     Course:                         Bachelor of Secondary Education
     Resource Teacher:       Mrs. Michelle Npataueg
     Cooperating School:    Isabela National High School


My Target

            At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing process – oriented performance assessment.


            After your observation experience you now have a deeply and principled understanding of the concepts of authentic assessment used in the classroom. You can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by the following these steps:

1.     Visit a class and identify performance-based activities.
2.     Choose one performance-based activity and study its process.
3.     Design a performance assessment plan for the activity you have chosen.
4.     Collect samples of performance-based assessment tools.
5.     Reflect on your experience.


            In observing a class, take note of important observations of the performance-based activity in the classroom. Make a checklist of the important things you want to consider in your assessment planning. Use the activity form provided for you. You may use format of process-oriented assessment that you have taken in your assessment 2 class. The rubrics are part and parcel of this assessment plan.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address:                       Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited:                            February 17, 2015
Grade/Year Level:                    Grade- 9 (Temperance)
Subject Area:                            Science(Physics)

Describe in bullets the performance-based activity you observe.

·       Students were given activity entitled “Roll, roll, and away”.

·       In this activity the students are tasked to determine the acceleration of a rolling object by recording the time to travel different distances on an inclined plane.

·       The students were group into six (6), each consists of five (5) members.

·       The teacher makes sure that each member has a part in the activity.

·       Student 1 holds the timing device and accurately starts and stops the timing device (cell phone with stopwatch application),

·       Student 2 records the time in the table provided in the activity sheet,

·       Student 3, 4 and 5 releases the tin can in each position.

·       The teacher asked the students to plot in the graph the distance vs time and then distance vs time square.

·       And then she also instructed each group to repeat the experiment on different angles of inclination.

·       After gathering the data’s, the teacher asked them to write the results on a manila paper before presenting it in front ,on how did they come up with their answers.

Based on your observation, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your performance-based assessment plan.


ü Objectives should be communicated to the students.

ü Determine what skills and outcomes the assessment will cover including the three (3) domains of learning.

ü The task should be illustrative and that calls for the behavior specified in the outcomes.

ü The task direction should be clearly indicated.
ü Performance expectation should also be communicated to students in terms of the criteria by which the performance will be judge.

ü Know the strength and weaknesses of the students

ü The activity should be well- planned and that the instructional materials should be well-prepared.

ü The time allotment in this activity should also be considered.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address:                         Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
Date Visited:                               February 17, 2015
Grade/Year Level:                     Grade-9 (Temperance)
Subject Area:                             Science(Physics)

What are the best features of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

            The learning target is suited to the interest of the students. There are specific skills that will be developed. It is collaborative in which each member of the group will participate. Task directions are clearly stated and performance expectations are clearly communicated in terms of the criteria by which the performance will be judge

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my process-oriented performance assessment design?
           Students were group and task to present the outcome of the activity. The students must perform the activity and follow the steps correctly. Each group must fill the table and answer the following questions provided on the activity sheet. Students must cooperate among their group mates. They must write the outcome/results on a manila paper before presenting it in front, on how they came up with their answer.  

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

·       Determine the purpose of the assessment
·       Identify students’ needs
·       Set instructional goals and this should be communicated to the students
·       What skills will be develop
·       Knowing the strength and weaknesses of the learners
·       The materials to be used should be well- planned for the success of this design.


1.   Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ process-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

In some instances products/outcomes are useless if the process was not attained. There’s a saying that “product is the reflection of the process” which means if the product was successfully made or achieved it means that the process was followed correctly. Teachers should give attention to the students’ process oriented task because it shows us how the students perform a task.

1.   In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be used appropriately?

The process –oriented assessment can only be used appropriately if the instructional goals, materials, judging criteria/scoring scheme are well-planned by the teacher.  The process – oriented assessment should be based on an observation of behaviors of a task, rather than the quality of the actual completed objects.

My Reflections 

Make reflections on your feelings and thoughts about the observations made in this FS.

Teaching is quiet not easy to do, you need to exert full time and effort just to make sure that your students are learning. Using Performance-Based Assessments is not easy as we think. As I observed, the teacher were using a number of techniques to get results. And this results/ information were being used to determine how her students perform inside the classroom. In Performance-Based Assessments, it takes time to plan as well as to carry out the assessment process. But this doesn't matter, what matter is “the students”, on how they will acquire learning to the most and what they feel when they have a lot of opportunities to explore learning. In the Performance-Based Activity that I observe, the teacher facilitates and observes her students on how they will execute and perform the activity. In this activity the teacher told her students to be precise and accurate in following the steps because once they missed even just a single step, it will ruin everything.
   In this FS, I have gathered a lot of ideas, techniques/strategies on how best to educate students. I am fortunate because knowing these things will surely help me in my chosen career which is in the field of teaching. One thing more that I learned is that, being a teacher you must give the “whole you” it may be hard but it doesn't matter what’s important is the “students to learn” they should always be given priority if they are enjoying and at the same time if they are acquiring knowledge to the most.
Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study
                                       LOG ME

Name of FS Student:     Abigail Y. Aggabao

Course:                         BSE                                                                            

Resource Teacher:        Mrs. Pataueg

Cooperating School:       Isabela National High School


My Target
            At the end of this activity, you will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom.

My Task
            Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students’ learning to be able to use it; you must have a deep understanding of it. To help you reach your goal, do the following task:
1.       Visit a classroom and interview the teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment.
2.       Describe how the teacher uses the authentic assessment.
3.       Write a reflective journal on the activity.

My Tools
            For this learning activity, please document the information gathered from the interview with the teacher on authentic assessment. Write your documentation using the activity form provided for you.


Why it is important to use Authentic Assessment?

It is important to use authentic assessment; for it requires “hands on activities” it measures directly the student’s ability in performing a task. Here learning became meaningful to students because they are the ones who are doing it, the only thing the teacher does is to facilitate them.

  Advantages of using Authentic Assessment?
Authentic assessment uses tasks that reflect normal classroom activities" (real life learning);
authentic assessment focuses on higher order thinking skill( cognitive, affective, psychomotor);
requires active performance to demonstrate understanding" (kinesthetic, being involved);
promotes a wide range of assessment strategies" (interesting and engaging assessment tasks);
involves the teacher and student collaboratively in determining assessment" (student-structured tasks); and focuses on progress, rather than identifying weaknesses" (ensure success for every child)

What is the goal of authentic assessment?
A goal of authentic assessment is to determine if student knowledge can be applied outside of the classroom. This means that a physics assessment should involve doing physics by performing experiments and solving problems the same way that a real-life physicist would. An authentic history assessment requires students to ask questions, do independent research, and formulate answers to their questions, just like a real-life historian does.

What else is authentic assessment meant to do?
·         It asks students to synthesize information and use critical-thinking skills.
·         It is a learning experience in and of itself.
·         It measures not just what students remember but how they think.

1.       What is Authentic Assessment?

Authentic assessment is the practical application of tasks in real world setting. It does not encourage rote learning, instead; it focuses on student’s analytical skills, ability to integrate what they have learned, ability to work collaboratively, etc. Under this mode of assessment, students solve math problems that have real world application, write stories, reports, and do science experiments and other “hands on activities”.

2.       How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product?

The teacher formed her students into five groups with eight members each. She made an activity about the concept of “Acceleration” to be demonstrated by her students. She prepared a rubric and presented it to the class for the students to know how they will be judge. She used rubric as her tool of assessing her student’s performance. Through the use of rubric which is one of the best useful tools in assessing the child performance she was able to meet her desired outcome.


·        What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?

For me, teachers do not need to eliminate the traditional mode of assessment but they should minimize using it for it just assesses the knowledge of the students only. Teachers can combine the two modes of assessment (traditional and authentic assessment) in assessing their students but authentic assessment should be practiced more because students are able to perform, construct on their own to produce something, solve problems, conduct experiments, and do other “hands on activities”. Here teachers are 
ultimately less interested in how much information students can acquire than how well they can use it.  Authentic assessment is undoubtedly effective because class is alive and most of all, students are engage in doing the hand’s on and minds on activities.

·         Describe how the teacher used the authentic assessment?

Their topic was all about the second law of motion which is the law of acceleration. Instead, of doing the talking’s in front of her students, she made an activity entitled “Roll, roll, and away!” she let her students to form a group with five members. In  this  activity,  the  students are  tasked  to  determine  the  acceleration of  rolling object by recording the time to travel different distances on an inclined plane. Everybody should have a part in the activity. In this activity, the teacher let the students do the activity with her guidance of course, for them to understand more the concept of “Newton’s Second law of motion”. Just after they finished the activity, the teacher prepared a real- world problem and then she let her students to analyze and solve it in front with justification. This is one way of how my cooperating teacher used authentic assessment.

·         How did you feel about the teacher’s experience in the use of authentic assessment?

Through my teacher’s experienced in the used of authentic assessment, I as the interviewer  felt fortunate  and blessed because I was able to reaped some knowledge that soon I know will help me a lot in my chosen career.I learned that through the use of authentic assessment, we can able to see directly if the students are progressing, the good thing in authentic assessment is that we can able to rectify mistakes easily.


·         What could be the gains of the students and teachers in using authentic assessment?

Through the use of authentic assessment, It helps the teachers to improve their instructions and also the teachers will able to enhance their strategies to be an effective teachers.On the part of the students, it helps the students, see themselves as active participants, who are working on a tasks, rather than passive recipients of facts. It also helps students to analyze whatthey've learned and apply it on their own. They don’t have to memorize facts for a test. It helps the students refine their writing and oral presentation skills.

Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment do you feel like improving or revising?

I was impressed to the teacher for she knows how to facilitate her class in such a way that she uses several techniques in the form of authentic assessment when assigning a task. For me, there’s no need to revise the teacher’s use of authentic assessment because it was properly planned.